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  • Writer's pictureVibha Maurya

The Winter Solstice 2023: Unraveling the Significance of the Year's Shortest Day.

Winter Solstice Shortest day 2023 : Get ready for a significant global moment at 10:27 p.m. EST on Thursday, December 21, 2023, when the sun takes center stage above the Tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere.

Winter Solstice 2023 Shortest day
Winter Solstice 2023 Shortest day | Image : Google

Table of Contents:

The winter solstice hits north of the equator and the summer solstice arrives south of it, marking the official kickoff of a new season.

Feeling a bit puzzled? No worries. It's a straightforward tale about living on a planet with a tilted axis. It's also a chance to ponder why the sun's intensity varies throughout the year, leading to changing seasons, and how celestial mechanics shape life on Earth.

Curious to know all about this week's solstice and why it's important? We've got you covered.

Demystifying the Solstice: Understanding the Earth's Seasonal Shifts.

From an astronomical perspective, it marks the start of winter in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of summer in the southern hemisphere. Up north, it's the day with the least daylight and the longest night, while down south, it's the day with the most daylight and the shortest night.

This all boils down to a tale about how our planet twirls. The Earth's rotation axis is tilted by 23.5 degrees, so as we orbit the sun each year, various parts of the Earth experience sunlight for varying durations. This tilt might have originated from a colossal impact that occurred billions of years ago.

During this week's solstice, the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, so the sun hangs lowest in the sky. Meanwhile, in the southern hemisphere, the sun sits over the Tropic of Capricorn, an imaginary line at 23.5 degrees south of the equator, giving that hemisphere its full glare and staying in the sky for longer.

Crucial Moment: Understanding the Significance of the Solstice.

The solstice is a crucial point in the sun's apparent journey. According to Dr. Minjae Kim, a Research Fellow at the Department of Physics, University of Warwick in the U.K., the sun appears to pause and change direction on this day, giving rise to the term 'solstice.' The term comes from the Latin word "solstitium," which means "sun stands still." This perceived standstill happens as the sun reaches its southernmost point against the backdrop of stars, explained Kim.

Now, in the northern hemisphere, the days will gradually lengthen until they reach a balance of 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness during the March equinox, known as equal night. During the equinox, the Earth's axis is positioned side-on to the sun.

As we approach the June solstice, the scenario flips. The sun now hovers above the Tropic of Cancer, situated 23.5 degrees north of the equator. This arrangement brings summer to the northern hemisphere and winter to the southern hemisphere.

The Impact of Solstice: How Earth's Position Affects Daylight and Seasons.

The main reason behind these changes in seasons is the Earth's tilt on its axis," explained Kim. "This tilt not only affects the temperature differences between seasons but also leads to variations in the length of day and night throughout the year.

As the year progresses, the sun follows different paths along the horizon during sunrise and sunset. While those who regularly watch sunsets and sunrises may be aware of this, it may not be common knowledge for most of us. The solstices mark the extreme points of these paths. For instance, during the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, the sun will rise in the southeast and set in the southwest.

Sunrise and Sunset
The Changing Dance of Sunrise and Sunset: Reaching the Pinnacle on the Solstice | Gitty

These solstices represent the farthest points where you can witness both sunrise and sunset in an entire year. Fast forward six months to the summer solstice in June, and from the northern hemisphere, the sun will rise in the northeast and set in the northwest. The midpoint between these extremes is, as you might have guessed, the equinox, occurring in both September and March. During the equinox, the sun rises and sets directly in the east.

Observing the Solstice: A Guide on How to Witness this Astronomical Phenomenon.

While it serves as a significant milestone in the Earth's journey around the sun, not many people actively celebrate the solstice, especially in winter when it closely coincides with other festivals.

A great way to acknowledge this event is, of course, to witness the sun rising or setting on the day of the solstice—a practice seemingly aligned with ancient monuments like Stonehenge. However, there are alternative ways to appreciate it. One simple approach is to step outside after dark and engage in some stargazing. This year, you'll be treated to impressive views of a very bright Jupiter in the southeastern night sky, visible immediately after sunset, adding a celestial bonus to the experience.

Exploring the Solstices and Equinoxes of 2024: Astronomical Highlights for the Year.

Here are the dates for the upcoming equinoxes and solstice in 2024, along with the cross-quarter days—those unique calendar milestones positioned between these events, some of which might catch you by surprise:

  • Cross-quarter day: February 2 – Groundhog Day

  • March equinox 2024: March 19

  • Cross-quarter day: May 1 – May Day

  • June solstice 2024: June 20

  • Cross-quarter day: August 1 – Lammas

  • September equinox 2024: September 22

  • Cross-quarter day: October 31 – Halloween

  • December solstice 2024: December 21


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